Workplace health and safety initiatives do double duty by promoting wellness and cutting costs. As the owner or manager of a business, you are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of your employees. By advocating initiatives like healthy eating habits, regular exercise, stress reduction and workplace safety seminars, you can help instil a culture of health, safety and responsibility within your organisation.
When you implement workplace wellness programmes, your employees will be healthier and you will likely reduce the number of sick days taken and overtime labour needed to compensate for absent employees. And by holding a monthly safety meeting or disseminating safety-related flyers as part of a safety programme, you can reduce the number of workplace accidents and injuries.
Not only do health and safety initiatives help keep your employees healthy and happy, they can help cap costs related to workplace injuries and accidents, which include:
- Fines and prosecutions
- Lost time
- Repairs to plant and equipment
- Production delays
- Insurance investigation time
By lowering your accident and injury rates, you could also lower your employers’ liability premiums.
Health and safety initiatives do not have to be time intensive or overwhelming. Contact Bollington Risk Management today on 01625 854300 for more information on creating health and safety initiatives at your business.